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The relationship with the customer is the key!

Unified Engineering is a company specialized in Computer Aided Design (CAD) with different levels of services. It is possible for you to propose your project and considering your expectations, we will be able to accompany you until the final physical product.

Regardless of the service requested, great care is taken to establish solid exchanges between the client and the company.

Indeed, we have found with our experience that this synergy allows us to find the optimal solutions thanks to the mixture of your knowledge with ours. After all, we have the knowledge but you have the direction and the ideas.

We will be there to realize them together!

A word about the founder

Christophe Castella started his life in a sector that at first sight had nothing in common with the industry. After several years working as a portfolio manager in banks, he became an expert in customer relations. It is this aspect that allows him to clearly identify the real needs of the client and thus propose the long awaited tailor-made solution.

The financial sector having never been his passion, he decided to give a drastic turn to his life and thus return to his studies which this time, conforms to his passions. Having completed his training at the HES-SO Fribourg in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in light structures and plastics, he finds pleasure in developing relationships of trust with his clients in a field he is passionate about.

It is at this moment that the idea of creating Unified Engineering came up, where the emphasis is put on the customer relationship, which allows to advance in the project in a "unified" way and thus to satisfy his customers.

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